How do I use Zoom or another video service with Zencastr?

Learn how to record both audio and video for your podcast using other platforms such as Zoom, Skype, Google and more.

Updated over a week ago

As you may already know, Zencastr is rolling out our new video beta product that allows you to record both high quality audio and video for your podcast. If you haven't joined our video beta waitlist, please sign-up here.

Since our video product is still in beta, we are still offering support to allow users to use Zencastr together with third-party platforms so they can record both audio and video for their podcast.

To set this up... follow the steps below.

Setting Up Zencastr

First, you need to set everything up in Zencastr to ensure you're recording great audio for your podcast. Start by creating a new project in Zencastr and sending the link to all your guests. Have them meet you on the recording page and double check everyone's audio settings to make sure it sounds exactly the way you want.

Next, go to the settings section on your recording page, look for the gear icon in the top right corner of the screen. Go to the bottom and disable Zencastr's built-in VOIP (voice-over IP) for this recording. Click "save settings" when you're done.

Keep in mind, when you disable the built-in VOIP through Zencastr, you will no longer be able to hear your participants, this is why it's important to set-up your microphones correctly before you disable VOIP.

Setting Up Zoom, Skype, Google

Once everything is set-up properly in Zencastr. Have your participants keep the Zencastr recording page open while logging into the third-party program you plan to use to capture video.

Once they arrive on the page, you will be able to hear them because you are using that platform's built-in VOIP, as opposed to Zencastr's VOIP. You don't want both VOIP systems running at the same time, which is why we disabled the VOIP system in Zencastr.

Start Recording

When you and your participants are ready, start recording audio and video in the third-party program such as Zoom, Skype, Google.

Immediately after, go back to the recording page on Zencastr. Double-check and make sure all your participants are still listed on that screen as well. Then, press record on the Zencastr recording page, so you'll be recording in both places.

Remember, you have disabled the VOIP system on Zencastr, so the wavelengths on the Zencastr recording page will look a little different. You will still see your own wavelengths, but your participant's wavelengths won't appear on the screen. Don't worry, Zencastr is still recording everyone's audio.

Record your episode as you normally would. When you're done, be sure to stop recording on both platforms. You also need to make sure your participants stay on the Zencastr page until their tracks have successfully uploaded to the Zencastr servers. Download your tracks from Zencastr as you normally would and edit as needed.

NOTE: Keep in mind, once we fully implement our video beta program and make it available to all our users, we will no longer offer the option to disable VOIP within Zencastr.

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