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Guest Green Room

What the guest green room is and how guests go through it. How guests can change their settings in the green room or on the recording page.

Updated over a week ago

When guests click on the link to join you in your room’s Recording Page, they pass through a green room first.

In this article:

Green Room Flow

The green room is a page that guests go through to enter the Recording Page. The host does not need to admit guests from the green room.

In the green room, guests:

  1. Allow Zencastr to access their microphone (and camera) if access hasn’t previously been granted.
    📝 Whether guests need to grant access to both their microphone and camera or just their microphone depends on the recording mode. The ‘Record Audio and Video’ and ‘Record Audio Only, Show Video’ modes require both microphone and camera access. The ‘Record Audio Only’ mode only requires microphone access.

  2. Type or confirm their name.
    📝 Names can be a maximum of 20 characters, including spaces.

  3. Select or confirm the selection of their headphones and microphone (and also camera for the ‘Record Audio and Video’ and ‘Record Audio Only, Show Video’ modes).

  4. Click Join Recording.


  • Guests are taken to the Recording Page and placed in the call with the host and any other guests.

Selecting Settings from the Green Room

To select the headphones, microphone, and camera from the green room, guests:

  1. Allow their browser to access their microphone (and camera) when prompted.

  2. Select or confirm the selection of their microphone.
    📝 To enter the Recording Page muted, guests can toggle this off.

  3. Select or confirm the selection of their headphones.

  4. Select or confirm the selection of their camera.
    📝 To enter the Recording Page with the camera off, guests can toggle this off.

Selecting Settings from the Recording Page

To change their headphones, microphone, or camera once exiting the green room, guests:

  1. In the Recording Page, click Settings

  2. Select their audio input, audio output, and camera.

  3. Click Done to close the settings dialog.

Related Questions

When the guest clicks the Join Recording button in the green room, nothing happens and they can’t get into the recording page. What can we do?

When the Join Recording button doesn’t appear to be doing anything, this is most often caused by the guest not entering anything or entering a name that is too long in the name field. Names can be a maximum of 20 characters, including spaces. The guest should check the name field, make sure they have a name entered that is 20 characters or fewer, and then try clicking the Join Recording button again.

The guest got into the recording page from the green room but is getting an error message that says “error accessing microphone or webcam” (or “problem accessing your mic or camera”). What can we do?

The guest got into the recording page from the green room but I can’t hear them and there are no error messages on my or my guest’s end. What can we do?

When the guest clicks on the recording link they get a blank page or it just shows as ‘loading’ for a long time. What can we do?

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