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Managing Guest Interactions
Managing Guest Interactions

How hosts can manage guests while recording including muting mics, turning off cameras, dismissing hand raises, and removing guests.

Updated over 3 months ago

As a host on Zencastr, you have several tools to manage your guests before and during a recording session for a smooth recording experience.

In this article:

Muting A Guest’s Microphone

To mute a guest’s microphone, click the microphone icon on the guest’s track.

Note: Once a guest is muted, only they can unmute themself from their view of the Recording Page. Hosts cannot unmute guests for privacy reasons.

Turning Off A Guest’s Camera

To turn off a guest’s camera, click the camera icon on the guest’s track.

Note: Once the camera is turned off, only the guest can turn it back on from their view of the Recording Page. Hosts cannot turn on a guest’s camera for privacy reasons.

Dismissing A Guest’s Hand Raise

To dismiss a guest’s hand raise, click the hand icon on the guest’s track or click the ‘[name] has something to say’ message on the guest’s video tile.

Kicking Out A Guest

If needed, you can remove a guest either from the green room (before they join the Recording Page) or during an active recording.

To kick out a guest:

  1. Locate the guest’s track.
    Note: If the guest is still in the green room, their track will be labeled as “Guest”.

  2. Click on the guest’s name.

  3. Click Kick out guest.

  4. Click Confirm on the pop-up.

Result: The guest is removed from the Recording Page. On their end, they will see a message stating they were removed from the call by the host.

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