13 articles
I Can’t Hear My GuestWhat to check and do when before recording the host can’t hear the guest speaking or vice versa, the guest can’t hear the host speaking.
Participant Can Only Be Heard/Seen By SomeWhat to check when recording with multiple participants and someone can be heard/seen by some participants but can't be heard/seen by others
My Guest Keeps Getting DisconnectedWhat to check and do when a guest repeatedly gets disconnected/drops off during a recording.
Blank PageWhat to check and do when a Zencastr page shows as blank/white or shows “Zencastr Loading. Thank you for your patience.” for several minutes
VoIP connection problems from my office space
Error Permission DeniedWhat a host or guest should do when they get the error message 'Permission denied' or 'Permission denied by system’.
Error Accessing Microphone or WebcamWhat a guest should do when they get the error messages ‘error accessing microphone or webcam’ or ‘problem accessing your mic or camera’.
Error Getting The User’s Local StreamWhat to check and do when you get the error message ‘there was an error getting to the user’s local stream’.
What does "Quota Exceeded Error" mean?
Recording File Stuck at ‘99% Uploaded’What to do when a recording file is stuck at ‘99% Uploaded’ and can’t be downloaded. What this means, why it happens, and how to fix it.
Unfinalized Track ErrorWhat to do when a file can’t be downloaded and has 'Error: Unfinalized Track' on it. What the error means, why it happens, and how to fix it
Recovering Internet-Quality BackupsWhat internet-quality backups are, how long they are available for, and how to retrieve and download them.